Hey Y'all!

Inspired by the Bob Wills' tune That's What I Like About the South, here you will read my ramblings on the South and all things Southern. As the song goes, "Cornbread and turnip greens... Ham hocks and butter beans... Mardi Gras down in New Orleans- That's what I like about the South!!!" That and a whole lot more. I hope y'all enjoy!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

In defense of books: E-readers have limits

With all of the trendy, new gadgets flooding the market today, it’s a little scary being a librarian, especially when you take into consideration some of these little handheld devices can store up to 3,500 books. Some people are placing wages on how long libraries are going to last in the face of such technology.

Well, I’m here to say libraries, and physical books, are not going anywhere — at least, not anytime soon. I have several points I would like to present in defense of books to hopefully change the opinions of all the naysayers.

Once a month, the library tries to have an author come down to speak about his or her book. These programs are widely attended and many people in attendance buy a copy of the author’s book following the discussion. Sometimes, patrons have read the book before coming to the program and bring their personal copy for the author to sign. If you read the book on an “e-reader,” how in the world is the author going to sign your book? That’s point number one.

Now, here’s point two. You have been waiting on pins and needles for your favorite author to release a new book. Finally, the moment you’ve been waiting on! The book is out and you purchase it on your e-reader. You are knocking it out and have just reached the thrilling climax when BLEEP! The battery that is supposed to last 10 days dies and your e-reader turns pitch black. Now, you have to wait for it to charge before you can continue your literary journey.

Finally, reading is supposed to be about relaxation and enjoyment. I work on computers all day. When I get home, the last thing I want to do is snuggle up with another electronic. All I want to do is find that cozy, broken in spot on the couch and read something that does not require electricity.

Some people find it relaxing to read while soaking in a hot bath. (I just hope they’re not using library books when doing this!) Reading will truly become an electrifying experience if you drop your electronic book into your hot tub, whereas your paper book just becomes a little soggy.

I’m not against technological advances. Don’t get me wrong. I just shudder at the thought of people already counting libraries down and out because people are buying e-readers. In fact, the e-readers have done nothing but helped libraries as far as I can tell.

I’m convinced everyone and their mothers received an Amazon Kindle for Christmas. It was like a great migration of Kindle owners to the library the first week of the New Year. They all had the same thing in mind.

Patron: “So, I hear you can get free Kindle books from the library.”

Librarian: “No. I’m sorry. If you have a Kindle, you can only get books from Amazon.com .”

Patron: “Ah, shucks!”

Librarian: “Our books on the shelves are still free.”

Patron: “Libraries are so wonderful!”

Well, maybe I made that last part up. But, it brings me to another point about the e-reader.

Physical books are easy to share. You go to the library, pick one up, and take it home. You can buy one and pass it along to your neighbors or friends after you’ve read it. However, with e-books, once it’s on your device, you are the sole owner of the book. To share it, you could let your friend take your $150 device or you could go about some complicated download and transfer procedure.

Give me good ol’ paper and ink any old day.

AUTHOR’S NOTE: After writing this article, Adam Southern bought a NOOK, noting, “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em!” He is currently downloading e-books using the free Wi-Fi connection at the library as you read this.

Named a Tennessee colonel by Gov. Phil Bredesen, Adam Southern is resident of Culleoka and can be followed at http://colonelsouthern.blogspot.com .

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